主演:安杰列·查拉 乌尔苏拉·加拉波娃斯卡 阿尔卡迪乌什·雅库比克 Eliza Rycembel Tomasz Zietek 多萝塔·科拉克 安杰伊·布卢门菲尔德 玛丽亚·赫瓦利布格 沃捷希奇·帕斯佐尼亚克 耶日·罗加尔斯基 埃娃·巴卡拉斯卡 Kaja Lusinska Adam Tomaszewski 安娜·特雷莎·诺瓦克 安杰伊·索帕
卡斯普是一位受人爱戴的高中历史老师,由于基因缺陷,他的视力正在逐渐恶化,面临着永久失明的可能。最初他悲痛不已,为了保住本身的工作,也为了帮手他的学生们顺利通过期末考试,他对校长隐瞒了他的健康状况。 Carte Blanche is a story about respected high school teacher who hides his progressing blindness from everyone around him - his friends, family, students and superiors. The medical diagnosis leaves little hope. Due to a genetic disorder Kacper is faced with a very real possibility of permanent blindness. Initially heartbroken, he decides to hide his health problems to fulfill his educational duty and help students with end of school exams.