In a magical universe, witches, warriors begin fighting in the name of good .vs. evil! A group of five teenaged girls where choosen to defend the universe with their magical powers. They're smart, They're stylish and they are magical fairies, They are the Winx Club! The Winx Club must defe这里是小小影视(为您带来的一部来自其它 的喜剧爱情家庭冒险欧美动漫 电影。 她的名字是:《魔法俏佳人 第一季》,她的演员是:Lisa Ortiz ,她的导演是:未知 ,她的上映时间是:2004 年。 魔法俏佳人 第一季在线观看,迅雷BT种子,磁力链接,电驴ED2K高清电影资源尽在@全能影视(,希望您能喜欢!点击最右方的迅雷下载即可使用迅雷下载高清电影或者BT种子/ED2K资源哦!
In a magical universe, witches, warriors begin fighting in the name of good .vs. evil! A group of five teenaged girls where choosen to defend the universe with their magical powers. They're smart, They're stylish and they are magical fairies, They are the Winx Club! The Winx Club must defend their universe from having it be turned into darkness and terror by the Senior Witches. The magic is in you on the Winx Club. Written by Stuart Brewer